Industrial Engine Repair & Rebuild 201
Course Description
Schedule Details
General Course Overview:
Day 1: Class will begin with introductions and a pre-assessment test to gauge rough skill level. Students will be paired into groups of 2-3 and begin with an instructor supervised teardown of a rebuildable industrial engine down to the bare block. We’ll move to the classroom and go over internal components, different designs, reuse guidelines, reassembly practices and procedures ect. Class will end with students beginning to inspect the individual parts for reuse.
Day 2: Students will complete their inspection of parts for reuse and begin an instructor supervised reassembly. As different groups complete their engines, we will test fire the engines to confirm they start, run and produce oil pressure. Groups will be broken off to perform individual component inspection and testing while the rest of the groups complete their engines.
Day 3: Groups who did not complete their engines will wrap things up today while the remaining students continue different component inspections and testing. Once all engines are up and running class will move into discussing different governing systems.
Day 4: Class will continue discussing different governing systems and move to engine controls and emissions. We’ll move between the lab and classroom showcasing the different systems, troubleshooting, operation, and setup.
Day 5: Final day will be an open floor discussion of everything discussed throughout the class. Students will be sent into the lab and given different machines with engine issues to troubleshoot. Class will end with a post-assessment exam and wrap-up of any further questions.
Course Tool and Safety Gear Requirements
- Steel toe or composite toe, electrical rated work boots.
- ANSI approved safety glasses.
- Appropriate work attire for a shop environment
- Hearing protection.
Notebook and pen / pencil or laptop for notetaking.
Registration Fees
Regular Rate – $2,400 per student
All registration fees are to be paid in full prior to the first day of class. Please send checks payable to Mongoose Power Solutions, c/o OPA! to PO Box 13, Spofford, NH 03462
Travel and Accommodations
Hotel Reservations are not included with registration and are the responsibility of the attendee/employer to arrange.
Click here for our hotel and travel recommendations.