Generator Alternators 201
Course Description
Generator Alternators 201 is an advanced level class specifically for technicians. It’s catered towards a seasoned B level tech looking to push into the A level skill range, or an A level tech looking for a refresher course. This will be specific to machines rated for less than 600 volts AC (low voltage). Medium and high voltage gensets will be discussed, but not present in the lab. This will also be specific to machines that run either 50hz or 60hz.
We will be doing a complete ground up discussion of electrical theory, covering topics such as single / three phase power, power factor, megger testing, and frequency. Other topics will include setting up, and troubleshooting voltage regulators, how to size and spec out different brand alternators in replacement situations, changing machine voltages and some common industry specific issues presently going on.
Learning Outcomes
After completion of this class, students will be able to:
- Comfortably discuss and explain the electrical theory that governs generating electricity in our industry.
- Service, build, modify, and troubleshoot most brands of generators sold worldwide running at less than 600 volts.
- Perform non–destructive insulation testing (megger) to test an alternators overall bill of health.
- Determine a generator’s compatibility to run at different output voltages or frequencies and perform the physical re–strapping
procedure. - Calculate output amps to appropriately size wiring and circuit breakers.
- Understand the effects caused from low power factor loads, and how to compensate for them.
Schedule Details
This is a 3–day, 8-hour per day course taught in English. Upcoming classes will be listed below.
Class is limited to 10 students.
Student Minimum Qualifications to Attend
- Full understanding of how to use a digital multi–meter (DVOM) Moderate understanding of genset operation including starting /
stopping, automatic operation, engine speed control, voltage regulation and load bank testing. - Basic understanding of electrical schematics.
- Basic understanding of electrical calculations.
- Basic understanding of how to use a computer
Minimum Required Equipment & Safety Gear
- Steel toe or composite toe, electrical rated work boots
- ANSI approved safety glasses
- Hearing protection
- Notebook and pen / pencil or laptop for notetaking. A laptop is preferred.
- Decent quality multi–meter with AC/DC, ohms, and frequency measurements.
Registration Fees
$1,440 per student
Call for Details: 603-363-4842.
All registration fees are to be paid in full prior to the first day of class.
Please send checks payable to Mongoose Power Solutions c/o OPA! to PO Box 13, Spofford, NH 03462
Travel and Accommodations
Hotel Reservations are not included with registration and are the responsibility of the attendee/employer to arrange.
Click here for our hotel and travel recommendations.